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You can listen to my music at the link below.


You can follow me and my antics by clicking the buttons below.

  • Facebook Metallic
  • Twitter Metallic
  • Soundcloud Metallic

I will appear on the nationally broadcast and internet broadcast radio show "The Saturday Light Brigade".

If you have never listened to the show it is a great way to start your weekend.

I will be hosting the premiere open mic in Pittsburgh. Come out and hear some of the greatest singer-songwriters in pittsburgh in one evening, for FREE. Starts at 7pm.


Club Cafe' Pittsburgh

Saturday Light Brigade









Aug 23

 Aug 18

If you would like more information or have a question, Please feel free to fill out the attached form. 


The site is still under construction and more updates will be coming soon.


All contents on the site are the property of Shawn MacIntyre, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.e



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